Eva Ama

1,000+ link clicks with 1x IG story frame

Over 35k+ followers across platforms

"A woman with her finger on the pulse" - Sheerluxe
Described by Sheerluxe as "a woman with her finger on the pulse", Eva captivates her audience of over 35k with her luxe fashion and beauty content. Eva has many strings to her bow, but is best known for her political and cultural commentary, inspired by her university studies.
Her authority as a fashion creator has led to her to 3 exclusive edits with French Connection, the first launching in 2023 and two in 2024, which generated an impressive 58.2k views and 52 saves in just 1x IG reel.
She has since been chosen as one of Pandora's ambassadors for 2023-2024 and her luxurious content makes her the perfect collaborator for the global jewellery brand. In just 1x IG reel, Eva has generated 17k views, 550 likes and 131 comments including "Pandora coming in with the best gifts" and "This is stunning!"
Outside of this, Eva has worked with iconic brands like Armani Beauty, Coach, Pandora and The Macallan.
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